Waterdrop Medical & Cosmetic Centre
20 & 22 Norton Ave, North York, ON, M2N 0C6
Tel: 416-901-5736; Fax: 416-901-5768
Waterdrop Medical & Cosmetic Centre
20 & 22 Norton Ave, North York, ON, M2N 0C6
Tel: 416-901-5736; Fax: 416-901-5768

Dr. Dawn Shi, MD, CCFP
Dr. Dawn Shi, MD, CCFP
* Dr Shi's medical backgroud:
-- Postgraduate Practical Diploma in Dermatology in UK in 2018
--- Independent family medicine practice in Toronto since 2007
---- Emergency Medicine Fellowship at University of Manitoba in 2006
---- Family Medicine Residency at Queens University in 2004
---- OIMG Clerkship training at University of Toronto in 2003
----- Internal Medicine Residency in ShangHai
---- MD degree: Shanghai Second Medical University

Medical and Cosmetic Services
- Nancy
- Serena
- May
- Phoebe
- Hong
- Eva
- Stella

* Dr. Shi's cosmetic practice backgroud
--- Postgraduate Practical Diploma in Dermatology in UK in 2018
-- waterdrop cosmetic centre opened in 2014
-- Cosmetic and Laser treatment training in 2012

Doctor in Ontario since 2014
* Stella is an experienced registered massage therapist and skilled esthetician since 2014