Waterdrop Medical & Cosmetic Centre
20 & 22 Norton Ave, North York, ON, M2N 0C6
Tel: 416-901-5736; Fax: 416-901-5768
Waterdrop Medical & Cosmetic Centre
20 & 22 Norton Ave, North York, ON, M2N 0C6
Tel: 416-901-5736; Fax: 416-901-5768

Online Booking
--- Please click the below online booking link and follow the steps to book your appointment.
--- Log in with Patient's Own name account ( not family member's account)
---- 网上预约请点击以上链接
第一步: 点击Dr Shi
第二步: 选体检或电话会诊
第四步:填写个人信息(注:此网站属医疗电子病历网站,所提供信息,仅Waterdrop Clinic可参看). 请用病人自己的信息帐号登录预约(不是家属的信息帐号)
- 请选项4,
- 请用病人自己的信息帐号登录预约(不是家属的信息)
- 请务必填写完整药名,剂量与药房的信息。
- 我们会在24小时内传到药房, 您可直接去药房取药。
- 不按照上述要求填写的申请不会被确认接受。
- 此选项只续处方,不做病情讨论。
Prescription renewal only, but no Narcotics, Benzo, controlled medications.
- Choose item 4
- Log in with Patient's Own name account ( not family member's account)
- Please write down the medication Name, Dose and pharmacy's information
- We will fax it back to the pharmacy within 24 hours, so you can go pick up the medications directly from the pharmacy.
- The request without the above required information will be rejected
- This is for medication renewal only, not for discussion of the health issue.

Medical Office Hours:
Mon: 9:00am-4: 00 pm
Tue: 9:00am-4: 00pm
Weds: 9:00 am- 3:00 pm ( front desk staff only)
Thurs: Closed
Fri: 9:00am-4:00pm
Sat: 10:00am- 6:00pm
Sun: Closed
- 诊所非常繁忙,你可以电邮诊所或网上预约就诊时间; 如需改约,请致电或电邮提前48小时告知,
- Due to the high volume of calls and the clinic visits, please call or send email 48 hours in advance, should you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
- The Centre's general email:

Cosmetic Office Hours:
Mon- Sat: 10:00am- 5:00 pm
by Appointments
- Gardasil 9
- Hepatitis vaccines
- Shingles Vaccines
- Flu shots
- RSV vaccine
are available in the office。
- HPV宫颈癌疫苗(Gardasil 9 )
- 肝炎疫苗(甲肝乙肝)
- 带状疱疹疫苗
- 流感疫苗
- 呼吸道合胞病毒疫苗
- Due to the high volume of calls and the clinic is very busy in providing the care to the patients so that we may NOT be able to answer your phone calls especially during morning times. Please try to call again later time, or leave a message or send an email.
Please check the clinic's online booking link to see the available appointments.